Monday, November 8, 2010

College course evaluations are bullshit, just like college. Yes, these are my actual fucking answers. Thank god for being anonymous, right?

What aspects of this course detracted most from your learning? (Keyboarding.)
It's a keyboarding class. Clearly, by typing in this feedback box, I can already type quite efficiently without looking at the keyboard. Why do I need to take a class for it? This is 2010, most college students can type. This class was a gigantic waste of time, and even though I dropped it, I'm still wasting time by evaluating it.

What aspects of this course detracted most from your learning? (Keyboarding.)
It's incredibly, mind-numbingly boring, and every second I spent learning the home row keys was a second less that I had to live a productive and fulfilled life.
I feel that is nothing less than a completely honest and accurate evaluation of my time spent in KEYBOARDING

What aspects of this course detracted most from your learning? (Intro to computers.)
The fact that I built my own damn computer from parts I ordered, yet I still have to be "introduced" to them?
It was horrendously tedious and I haven't done work in the class in about a month and a half. It'll be the second time I've dropped "Intro to the 21st Century" because I just can't bring myself to care enough. 
Nevermind the fact that MS Office 2010 has been out for over a year now, yet I'm still forced to take (and later drop) a class about obsolete and inferior technology.
In addition- why Windows XP? I've had it since 6th grade, which, if I recall correctly, and I do, was 10 years ago. That's a freakin' decade. You don't even take drivers ed on cars that old, why learn about dead operating systems?

What aspects of this course detracted most from your learning? (Success and Study Skills.)
The fact that it's ACA? It's study skills. We learned CONTEXT CLUES.
I know how to read, thanks. It's how I graduated high school and managed to apply to college in the first place. Yes, I spent time in a college class learning to read. I know, it's fucking mind-boggling.

I fucking hate college. I'm going to turn my college evaluations into a kind of cynical thing and post it on my blog that no one reads and put it in my portfoilio that i've never shown anyone.
Because I'm a loser.
I'm a genius.
But still a loser.
I have no direction.
no goals.
no motivation.
And i'm too busy frying my brain with drugs to do anything worthwhile.
I contribute nothing to no-one.
And if i really think about it, suicide is probably my best option.
After all, it is the easy way out.
And i'm well known for choosing the path of least resistance.
But to be honest..

I'm too lazy even for that.

I gotta go turn in applications for dead-end mall jobs. Hi, I'm Spenser, and I've given up on my dreams. Why don't you go try on these jeans?

Monday, November 1, 2010

I met a mouse in a house.

I had a friend named Billy. His hair was kinda silly. One I went into his house; who should I meet but a mouse? Taking off his hat and coat, the mouse began to clear his throat. "At the carnival," is what he spoke, "you can meet some fascinating folk." "Good and bad and of all kinds, maybe you will meet a mime!" Tossing a paper into the air, the mouse did a spin and disappeared with a flair. I walked further into the house, I met Billy's mom- and his father, her spouse. "Billy's cleaning his room", she said with a grin, "would you mind taking the broom upstairs to him?" As I was knocking on his door, I saw something skitter across the floor. Currently distracted, I took flight. There was something strange in this house, on this night. Suddenly recalling the gift from the mouse- I handed Billy his broom and we ran from the house. Our destination, to be neat, was the carnival just up the street.