Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ye olde what the fuckery.

Alright, so it's summer, right? Right.
In the summer, people with long hair tend to get trims or haircuts, in order to help stay cooler, right? Right.
So, I got a haircut. In the summer. With me so far?
It's a terrible haircut. Too short, uneven, blahblahblah, I gotta get a weave this weekend.

Now. A year or so ago, my air conditioner blower in my car got napkins from the glove compartment stuck in it, and the blower ceased to work. I've been freezing or burning up for about 11 months now. Today, I found a rat in my car. Apparently, his little body was what was causing my air conditioner to fuck up, and now I have to get a bunch of no-kill traps to get the rest of the rat family out, since they've obviously been living in there for a while. I do not know why.

My air conditioner does a few strange things.
-Doesn't work at all
-Only works on left turns
-Only works on the highest setting
-Only works with outside air blowing in
-Blows hot when I have it set to cold
-Makes a strange noise
-Stops working when I turn right

All of these things, when combined, lead to me being very fucking annoyed everytime I have to drive anywhere, and being an expert at parking in the shade.

What, praytell, does this have to do with a bad haircut, you may ask?

Well, since it IS summertime, I DID get a haircut to keep cool.
Now that I'm fucking scalped, my air conditioner suddenly decides to work perfectly once more.

Seriously. I fucking hate everything. Especially air conditioning. At least I get extensions tomorrow, but with my luck, my AC will blow a fucking gasket and I'll start sweating to death again. 


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to get free hair extensions- get scalped.

I went to Great Clips on Sunday, for a quick cut. I just wanted my hair from boob length to shoulder length, to get the split ends off, and generally polish things up. I was getting a little fuzzy- and as much as I love the 80's, I just don't want to rock a hairstyle from Whitesnake, you know? 
I walk in the door, and an energetic girl with purple hair and a lip ring comes out to greet me. She's gonna be my stylist. Nothing against purple hair, I've had it in highschool quite a few times. I figure, "What the hell? She seems nice, and shoulder length is a pretty hard cut to fuck up." I don't want layers. I don't want dramatic chunky styling. I want my long hair to be less long, because it is summer, and that shit is heavy.
I sit in the chair, we're talking about cookies and how we both like to bake- and 
Oh. Shit. Shoulder length! I said shoulder length! Oh god why do I have a chin length bob?
I think to myself "Ok, it's just hair- maybe she's going to layer it." She didn't layer it. She proceded to cut alllllllll the way around my head, as eight inches of my beautiful curls fall to the floor around me. 
I have a bowl cut. I'm 21 years old, and I have a fucking bowl cut. I look like a fat toddler. 
Now, since I save my scene making for the internet, I kept my composure, paid AND gave her a three dollar tip (not because the haircut warranted it, but because I'm not rude) and walked out the door. I thought, well, maybe it will look good when it dries.
It didn't. Hair shrinks when it gets dry- so instead of chin length- it was at my ears.
What the fuck. I'm going up there again tomorrow, and they ARE giving me hair extensions- no matter how much I have to cry, kick, scream, pinch and bite.
 I look 10 years younger- and when you're 21 and five-foot-four, that's not a good thing. I was asked for my ID to go into a PG-13 movie. I can buy liquor, and since I got scalped, I get carded to go see African Cats? Fuck that.

Harry Potter Changed my Life - AKA Venturing into Hogwarts

At first, I thought Harry Potter was just a bunch of dorky kids running around with sticks and shouting spells at each other.
Like I said- before I started reading them. In 2004, I was 14 years old, and that was the same year I read my first Harry Potter book. Having always loved to read, I couldn't put them down. Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and all the way up to Half Blood Prince, which I read the final chapter of in my bathtub, crying when Dumbledore died. 
I had become startling attached to the series and to the characters- I couldn't wait for the 7th book to come out. Since finishing the books, I've seen every movie on opening day- and I have the film tickets to prove it. I feel like the characters in Harry Potter are like long lost friends that I knew as a child. They're familiar, comforting, and remind me of home. I can honestly say that Harry Potter is my hero. 
Half Blood Prince left me with a lot of questions- what's gonna happen to Harry? Without Dumbledore, how will Voldemort be destroyed? I had to wait two years to find out- and it was worth it. I got my copy of Deathly Hallows the day it came out- 6am UPS to my doorstep. I proceded to hole up in my room for 15 hours, only coming out to pee and get snacks. I stayed there until the final page was turned. I laughed, I cried, and a lot of the time I was thrown through a loop that I didn't see coming. I still remember reading that book- and it's one of the few books I remember the experience of reading, instead of just what the pages contained. It's a rare thing for reading a book to be an experience, but Harry Potter is just that- and not for me alone, but for millions of fans. I'm not the only one that wears a time turner necklace, and I'm not the only one that goes to midnight launches. I'm not one of the only ones that went to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter on opening day. I was 20 years old, with my 12 year old cousin- I sprinted, full speed, to try and be first in line for everything, while she dragged behind me texting and facebooking about how dorky I am on her Android.
But I didn't care. Harry Potter has helped me to realize that it's not what other people think about you, but that it's important what those whom you care about think, that knowing the difference between right and wrong is important, that it is vital to grow and change. I've grown up with Harry Potter, and he's grown up with me. I can't wait til July 15th, but I know that I'll be crying before the opening theme even ends- just because I don't want my 7 years of magic to end.

I know it never will though- as long as I can read the books, watch the films, and have my Harry Potter posters over my bed.